7 Most Useful Sites for WordPress Tutorials

Everybody needs some help from time to time. That rings true even with solutions as user-friendly as WordPress. Thankfully, given how popular this web application is, there are many resources for those in need.

Today we’re looking at some of the best WordPress tutorial sites around so we can learn to master the CMS with minimum effort.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS). Written almost entirely in PHP, the developers built it so you can quickly run complex websites without the need to learn code. WordPress utilizes databases that help you deliver content dynamically to your site visitors. 

Today, WordPress is dominating the CMS world, with 60.4% market share and over 455 million websites under its belt.

Why WordPress?

WordPress has become the go-to choice for individuals and businesses of various size and scope of expertise because of its convenience and flexibility.  Its extensive plugin ecosystem allows users to easily extend the core features of the popular CMS. 

There are many reasons why WordPress is so beloved by many. The most notable ones include:

  • The CMS is open-source and free to use.
  • It is user-friendly yet powerful.
  • You can use it to build practically any kind of website.
  • Customization possibilities are endless.

And that’s just scratching the surface…

Best Websites for WordPress Tutorials

WordPress is straightforward and easy to use in its default state. Yet because of its extensive functionality, we can often get confused with all the advanced options. Thankfully, there are a ton of WordPress tutorials and guides available online.

Let’s make a quick review of the best ones:


The founder of WPBeginner, Syed Balkhi, started the site just a few years after the first WordPress release. In just a few years, it evolved into a monstrous list of comprehensive WordPress tutorials aimed at helping complete beginners.

Since then, the site has gathered a massive subscription base of over 320,000 WP fans from more than 190 countries. If you’re new to WordPress – this is probably the best place to start. 

The website has a few distinct sections:

  • The Blog is the place for all the WordPress tutorials and step-by-step guides.
  • You can also find tutorials in Video format.
  • If you need help understanding technical terminology used on the platform, head to the Dictionary.
  • The Blueprint showcases WordPress plugins and tools used on the WPBeginner website.
  • For discounts on WordPress extras, take a look at the Deals section.

To get started, we highly recommend you head over to the Beginner’s Guide. It covers the A-B-Cs of the platform – from choosing the best host for your WordPress site to the installation and recommended plugins.


The people at WPMU DEV have brought together a ton of skills in one place. The result is a massive repository for almost everything-WordPress. WPMU DEV even offers WordPress plugins built by their developers.

Having so many experts in one place has certainly helped supporting an extensive range of tutorials. These are published on the WPMU DEV blog and cover a wide variety of WP-related topics.

Here, you will find more advanced or developer-friendly tutorials as well, including:

  • DDoS protection guide
  • Malware scanning
  • How to Migrate WordPress Multisite

And many more.

You’ll also find plenty of lists for recommended tools and plugins, both paid and free. 

WordPress Codex

The WordPress Codex is a rich user guide to WordPress. Maintained by the WordPress development team, you’ll find almost everything you need to get started with this CMS.

Perhaps the best thing about this wiki-style site is how well organized and detailed it is. The well-structured navigation system will guide you from generic topics down to the intricate details about each segment.

Take the Getting Started with WordPress guide,  for example. Clicking on the header will bring you towards an entirely new section. Here you’ll find tutorials on pretty much everything – from how to install WordPress to troubleshooting potential problems.

WordPress Codex has enough information to help out many WP fans, even if they’ve never used the platform before. Some materials can even help budding developers get started on building themes and plugins.


Similar to the WordPress Codex, Tutorialspoint has a straightforward and well-structured guide system. This structure makes it exceedingly easy to find the exact WordPress tutorials you’re looking for. Be aware, though, the site includes helpful articles and guides for different software solutions, not just WP.

The tutorials are split into clearly defined topics, such as installation, various settings, posts and media, plus many more. All in all, Tutorialspoint is very comprehensive and simple enough for complete newbies.

One small downside is the style of the articles, sometimes going into confusing technicalities. Information presentation can seem a little dry and unentertaining because of the straightforward approach to facts and not details.

Still, as a learning resource for WordPress, Tutorialspoint is excellent.


iThemes is а well-known source for stylish WordPress themes. However, the site is also a goldmine for those needing help with WordPress. They have a massive collection of tutorials covering almost all aspects of the CMS.

There are guides for basic features like how to format WordPress posts on a more fundamental level. More advanced topics are covered as well, such as responsive CSS and PHP syntax

iThemes also offers free webinars for those who may prefer to learn more interactively. Do note, these webinars cover an extensive range of topics, and it may be challenging to find the right one that fits within your time and schedule.


For those who have a bit of cash to spare and dislike reading tutorials, WP101 is a great resource. Unlike sites that have created video content to support tons of text, WP101 tutorials are all in video format.

The articles don’t just cover WordPress alone but also many of its popular add-ons, including WooCommerce and Beaver Builder. The tutorials are simple to follow and not very long. Each of them covers limited topics – just enough to learn what you need in roughly five to seven-minute snippets.

Some examples of video tutorials available here include:

  • How to Install WordPress in 5 Minutes
  • Posts vs Pages
  • The Block Editor

WP101 offers just enough videos to let you get a feel of the entire content inside. If you enjoy it and want more – you can sign up for a lifetime pass.

On the downside, WP101 isn’t very suitable for more advanced users – its target is definitely the more novice webmasters.

WP Apprentice

If you’d like to learn more about WordPress management, WP Apprentice might very well be the perfect site for you. Instead of having a clutter of articles or videos in one place, WP Apprentice organizes everything neatly into structured courses.

It’s kind of like going back to school.

Each course is labeled to show what kind of audience it’s suitable for, with outlines, number of topics covered, and even duration. If you’re not learning on your own and need to use the site for staff training, that’s feasible as well.

The only downside is that nothing is free on WP Apprentice. You will need to subscribe for passes that are valid for one or six month periods. During that time you’ll have access to all courses. The advantage is you get to learn a lot if you’re fast. Once your subscription ends – so does your access.

Some of the topics available on WP Apprentice include:

  • WordPress Essentials
  • Ecommerce Quick Start
  • SEO Fundamentals

ScalaHosting WordPress Resources

As one of the top web hosting providers in the market, ScalaHosting has many plans suited for WordPress. These range from WP-optimized shared hosting plans to the flexible yet budget-friendly Managed Cloud VPS.

Of course, we also offer plenty of helpful resources. These include WordPress-related topics in both the Blog and Knowledge Base sections.

7 Most Useful Sites for WordPress Tutorials
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Thanks to its massive popularity, WordPress is perhaps the most well-supported of all web applications. No matter if you’re a beginner looking to get started or a developer looking for information – there’s something for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn WordPress?

The easiest way is simply to dive in and get started. WordPress is very user-friendly, and you will learn faster by experiencing it for yourself. Help also isn’t far away if you need it – tutorials, guides, videos, and community forums are other excellent ways to understand WordPress better.

Is WordPress easy for beginners?

Yes, it absolutely is. Thanks to a code-free experience and comprehensive editor, WordPress today is easier to learn than ever before. Many hosting providers are also well-experienced with the CMS and can pitch in with valuable tips and extra resources.

How long does it take to learn WordPress?

Learning the WordPress basics can take as little as a few hours, especially if you have some previous website building experience. However, keep in mind that WordPress evolves by the day, and fully mastering it can take months, even years.

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