SPanel Now Supports PHP 8.2
Starting the year strong – SPanel now supports PHP 8.2!
The latest version of the PHP language brings numerous new features, including read-only classes, “Random extension”, DNF types, and more. The update also promises performance improvements and changes in the legacy PHP applications.
As for new classes, interfaces, and functions, PHP 8.2 comes with:
- curl_upkeep
- ini_parse_quantity
- memory_reset_peak_usage
- openssl_cipher_key_length
- libxml_get_external_entity_loader,
- sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic
- mysqli_execute_query function and mysqli::execute_query method
- ZipArchive::getStreamIndex, ZipArchive::getStreamName, and ZipArchive::clearError methods
- #[\AllowDynamicProperties] and #[\SensitiveParameter] attributes.
- ReflectionFunction::isAnonymous and ReflectionMethod::hasPrototype methods
In addition, there are some syntax and functionality changes:
- Locale-independent case conversion
- INI Parsing warnings
- ksort(…, SORT_REGULAR) sort order changes
- str_split function returns empty arrays for empty strings
As for the deprecations, you can expect the following:
- Dynamic Properties
- Partially supported callables
- utf8_encode and utf8_decode functions
- Mbstring: Base64, Uuencode, QPrint, and HTML Entity encodings
- ${var} string interpolation
However, MySQLi can’t be compiled with libmysqli.
With the latest version included, SPanel now supports the following PHP versions:
- 5.6
- 7.0
- 7.1
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 8.0
- 8.1
- 8.2

SPanel allows users to also control the web server that processes PHP, with options including:
2023 is set to bring many new and exciting things to SPanel, so stay tuned!